Use the most popular block explorer to search and verify transactions on the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash blockchain.
Especially, this is the standard Bitcoin Wallet, easy and safe to use. Because it is cold wallet
🚀 Top cryptocurrency's prices
🚀 Sending and receiving of Bitcoin via NFC, QR codes or Bitcoin URLs
🚀 You can still pay via Bluetooth
🚀 Notification for received coins
🚀 Sweeping of paper wallets (used for cold storage)
🚀 Safe: Supports SegWit and the new bech32 format
🚀 Privacy: Supports Tor via the separate Orbot app
🚀 Find the top cryptocurrency's market data including price charts and price lookup, market cap, return on investments, and digital currency news.
🚀 Support to dark theme
Blockchain is open source and free software. License: GPLv3
Our source code is available at GitHub: